4. Assembling

At last! All that filtering and diginorming is done, and we can get down to the serious business of assembling. Huzzah!

Let’s start with some collection of group files in /mnt/assembly.

Install Some Assemblers

Let’s try assembling the sequences with three different assemblers: Velvet, IDBA, and SPADes.

First, let’s install Velvet:

cd /root
curl -O http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~zerbino/velvet/velvet_1.2.10.tgz
tar xzf velvet_1.2.10.tgz
cd velvet_1.2.10
cp velvet? /usr/local/bin

And also IDBA:

cd /root
curl -O https://hku-idba.googlecode.com/files/idba-1.1.1.tar.gz
tar xzf idba-1.1.1.tar.gz
cd idba-1.1.1
./configure && make
cp bin/idba_ud /usr/local/bin

And also SPADes. First:

apt-get -y install cmake


wget http://spades.bioinf.spbau.ru/release3.1.0/SPAdes-3.1.0.tar.gz
tar -xzf SPAdes-3.1.0.tar.gz
cd SPAdes-3.1.0
PREFIX=/usr/local ./spades_compile.sh

Preparing the Data

Each assembler takes in data in a slightly different format. Velvet is the most flexible: it can take in paired-end and orphaned reads, in FASTA or FASTQ format, gzipped or not. However, SPADes requires paired-end FASTQ, while IDBA requires paired-end FASTA. So we need to do some conversions.

First, let’s gunzip all of the pe.fq files (for SPADes)

cd /mnt/work/
for i in *kak*.pe.fq.gz
   gunzip -c $i > $(basename $i .gz)

and convert them all into FASTA (for IDBA)

for i in *kak*.pe.fq
   name=$(basename $i .fq).fa
   python /usr/local/share/khmer/scripts/fastq-to-fasta.py $i > $name

Setting Up the Assemblies

We’re going to set up a bunch of assemblies in a script called ‘do-assembly.sh’. This will let us execute them in parallel if we want to, and just keep track of things if we don’t want to.

Let’s make sure the file is empty first

rm -f do-assembly.sh

And install GNU parallel.

cd /root
curl -O http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/parallel/parallel-latest.tar.bz2
tar xjf parallel-latest.tar.bz2
cd parallel-*
./configure && make && make install
cd /mnt/work/

Setting Up Velvet Runs

I personally really like the Velvet assembler as a first cut assembler, since it yields pretty good results in a wide variety of situations. It’s also rather fast. The downside is that you have to specify a ‘k’ parameter, which gets annoying because it gives you different results and you have to run a lot of assemblies. Typically, I just run a bunch of ‘k’s, and evaluate the results.

So, let’s just do that

for i in *kak*.pe.fq.gz;
    name=$(basename $i .pe.fq.gz);
    for k in {19..51..2};
        echo "velveth $name.velvet.$k.d $k -fastq.gz -shortPaired $pefile -short $sefile && \
        velvetg $name.velvet.$k.d -exp_cov auto -cov_cutoff auto"
done >> do-assembly.sh

Setting Up IDBA Runs

Set up a bunch of IDBA runs

for i in *.pe.fa
   name=$(basename $i .pe.fa);
   echo "idba_ud --pre_correction -r $i -o $name.idba.d"
done >> do-assembly.sh

Setting Up SPADes runs

And also set up a bunch of SPADes runs

for i in *.pe.fq
   name=$(basename $i .pe.fq);
   echo "spades.py --sc --pe1-12 $name.pe.fq.gz -o $name.spades.d"
done >> do-assembly.sh

Running the Assemblies

Now, run them all in parallel:

parallel -j 4 < do-assembly.sh

or, if you’re memory limited, one by one

bash do-assembly.sh

Getting Stats For the Assemblies

To get some basic stats for the assemblies, run

python /usr/local/share/khmer/sandbox/assemstats3.py 1000 *velvet.*.d/contigs.fa  *.spades.d/contigs.fasta *.idba.d/scaffold.fa

This will yield something like:

N sum max filename 38 671957 83467 dn.21/contigs.fa 32 668918 83568 dn.23/contigs.fa 35 668509 83401 dn.25/contigs.fa 31 671843 83817 dn.27/contigs.fa 32 669104 83721 dn.29/contigs.fa 32 672735 84066 dn.31/contigs.fa 32 673102 83774 dn.33/contigs.fa 31 674629 83912 dn.35/contigs.fa 31 677446 84200 dn.37/contigs.fa 33 681099 84554 dn.39/contigs.fa 35 685245 84852 dn.41/contigs.fa 40 686733 85276 dn.43/contigs.fa 41 649574 62719 nodn.21/contigs.fa 39 639388 62155 nodn.23/contigs.fa 49 646132 62145 nodn.25/contigs.fa 39 647100 83798 nodn.27/contigs.fa 38 650487 83750 nodn.29/contigs.fa 33 649863 83770 nodn.31/contigs.fa 31 636979 83822 nodn.33/contigs.fa 35 645536 83856 nodn.35/contigs.fa 36 647848 83800 nodn.37/contigs.fa 33 654660 83934 nodn.39/contigs.fa 36 645126 83897 nodn.41/contigs.fa 34 660289 83231 idba.dn.d/scaffold.fa 45 666147 41120 idba.nodn.d/scaffold.fa

Generating a Final Set of Contigs

Next, for each partition of input reads, let’s pick one assembly to represent the partition. (An alternative would be to use something like minimus2 to merge assemblies, but we think assembling assemblies is a bad idea.) To pick the best assembly, we’re going to choose the one that is best

GROUPLIST=$(ls -1 kak.group*.pe.fq.gz | cut -c 5-13)
for g in $GROUPLIST
   python /usr/local/share/khmer/sandbox/calc-best-assembly.py -q *.${g}.*velvet.*.d/contigs.fa  *.${g}.*spades.d/contigs.fasta *.${g}.*.idba.d/scaffold.fa -o best.$g.fa

Now, rename the sequences:

python /usr/local/share/khmer/sandbox/multi-rename.py assembly  best.group*.fa > assembly.fa
fold assembly.fa > final-assembly.fa

After this, ‘final-assembly.fa’ will contain the final set of contigs, with each contig renamed to ‘assembly.N’. To get stats

python /usr/local/share/khmer/sandbox/assemstats3.py 500 final-assembly.fa

Next: 5. Mapping and abundance quantitation.

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