2. Running digital normalization


Make sure you’re running in screen!

Start with the QC’ed files from 1. Quality Trimming and Filtering Your Sequences or copy them into a working directory;

Run a First Round of Digital Normalization

Normalize everything to a coverage of 20, starting with the (more valuable) PE reads; keep pairs using -p, and include orphans with -u.

cd /mnt/work
normalize-by-median.py -p -k 20 -C 20 -M 4e9 \
   --savegraph normC20k20.ct -u orphans.fq.gz *.pe.qc.fq.gz

This produces a set of ‘.keep’ files, as well as a normC20k20.ct file containing k-mer counts that we will use in the next step.

Note the -x and -N parameters. These specify how much memory diginorm should use. The product of these should be less than the memory size of the machine you selected. (See choosing hash sizes for khmer for more information.)

Error-trim Our Data

Use ‘filter-abund’ to trim off any k-mers that are abundance-1 in high-coverage reads. The -V option is used to ignore low coverage reads that are prevalent in variable abundance data sets:

filter-abund.py -V -Z 18 normC20k20.ct *.keep && \
   rm *.keep normC20k20.ct

This produces .abundfilt files containing the trimmed sequences.

The process of error trimming could have orphaned reads, so split the PE file into still-interleaved and non-interleaved reads

for file in *.pe.*.abundfilt
   extract-paired-reads.py ${file} && \
        rm ${file}

This leaves you with PE files (.pe) and SE files (.se). Next, concatenate all of the *.se files into orphan files

gzip -9c orphans.fq.gz.keep.abundfilt *.se > orphans.keep.abundfilt.fq.gz && \
   rm orphans.fq.gz.keep.abundfilt *.se

Normalize Down to C=5

Now that we’ve eliminated many more erroneous k-mers, let’s ditch some more high-coverage data. First, normalize the paired-end reads

normalize-by-median.py -C 5 -k 20 -M 4e8 \
   --savegraph normC5k20.ct -p *.abundfilt.pe \
   -u orphans.keep.abundfilt.fq.gz && \
   rm *.abundfilt.pe orphans.keep.abundfilt.fq.gz

Compress and Combine the Files

Now let’s tidy things up. Here are the paired files (kak = keep/abundfilt/keep)

for file in *.keep.abundfilt.pe.keep
   mv ${file} ${newfile}
   gzip -9 ${newfile}

and here are the orphaned reads

mv orphans.keep.abundfilt.fq.gz.keep orphans.qc.kak.fq && \
   gzip orphans.qc.kak.fq

If you are not doing partitioning (see 3-partition), you may want to remove the k-mer hash tables:

rm *.ct

Read Stats

Try running

readstats.py *.kak.fq.gz

after a long wait, you’ll see:

861769600 bp / 8617696 seqs; 100.0 average length -- SRR606249.pe.qc.fq.gz
79586148 bp / 802158 seqs; 99.2 average length -- SRR606249.se.qc.fq.gz
531691400 bp / 5316914 seqs; 100.0 average length -- SRR606249.pe.qc.fq.gz
89903689 bp / 904157 seqs; 99.4 average length -- SRR606249.se.qc.fq.gz

173748898 bp / 1830478 seqs; 94.9 average length -- SRR606249.pe.kak.qc.fq.gz
8825611 bp / 92997 seqs; 94.9 average length -- SRR606249.se.kak.qc.fq.gz
52345833 bp / 550900 seqs; 95.0 average length -- SRR606249.pe.kak.qc.fq.gz
10280721 bp / 105478 seqs; 97.5 average length -- SRR606249.se.kak.qc.fq.gz


This shows you how many sequences were in the original QC files, and how many are left in the ‘kak’ files. Not bad – considerably more than 80% of the reads were eliminated in the kak!

Next: 3-partition

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