Start up an EC2 instance ======================== Here, we're going to startup an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) "instance", or computer. ---- Go to '' in a Web browser. Select 'My Account/Console' menu option 'AWS Management Console." Log in with your username & password. Make sure it says North Virginia in the upper right, then select EC2 (upper left). .. image:: images/amazon-1.png :width: 50% Select "Launch Instance" (midway down the page). .. image:: images/amazon-2.png :width: 50% Next, scroll down the list of operating system types until you find Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (PV) -- it should be at the very bottom. Click 'select'. (See :doc:`starting-up-a-custom-ami` if you want to start up a custom operating system instead of Ubuntu 14.04.) .. image:: images/amazon-3.png :width: 50% Scroll down the list of instance types until you find "m1.xlarge". Select the box to the left, and then click "Review and Launch." .. image:: images/amazon-4.png :width: 50% Ignore the warning, check that it says "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (PV)", and cick "Launch". .. image:: images/amazon-5.png :width: 50% The *first* time through, you will have to "create a new key pair", which you must then name (something like 'amazon') and download. After this first time, you will be able to select an existing key pair. .. image:: images/amazon-6.png :width: 50% Select "Launch Instance." .. image:: images/amazon-7.png :width: 50% Select "view instance" and you should see a "pending" line in the menu. .. image:: images/amazon-8.png :width: 50% Wait until it turns green, then make a note of the "Public DNS" (we suggest copying and pasting it into a text notepad somewhere). This is your machine name, which you will need for logging in. .. image:: images/amazon-9.png :width: 50% Then, go to :doc:`log-in-with-ssh-win` or :doc:`log-in-with-ssh-mac` You might also want to read about :doc:`terminating-your-instance`.