2. Applying Digital Normalization


You can start this tutorial with the contents of EC2/EBS snapshot snap-126cc847.


You’ll need ~15 GB of RAM for this, or more if you have a LOT of data.

Run digital normalization

Apply digital normalization to the paired-end reads:

/usr/local/share/khmer/scripts/normalize-by-median.py -p -k 20 -C 20 -N 4 -x 3e9 --savehash normC20k20.kh *.pe.qc.fq.gz

and then to the single-end reads:

/usr/local/share/khmer/scripts/normalize-by-median.py -C 20 --loadhash normC20k20.kh --savehash normC20k20.kh *.se.qc.fq.gz

Note the ‘-p’ in the first normalize-by-median command – when run on PE data, that ensures that no paired ends are orphaned. However, it will complain on single-ended data, so you have to give the data to it separately.

Also note the ‘-N’ and ‘-x’ parameters. These specify how much memory diginorm should use. The product of these should be less than the memory size of the machine you selected. The maximum needed for any transcriptome should be in the ~60 GB range, e.g. -N 4 -x 15e9; for only a few hundred million reads, 16 GB should be plenty. (See choosing hash sizes for khmer for more information.)

Trim off likely erroneous k-mers

Now, run through all the reads and trim off low-abundance parts of high-coverage reads:

/usr/local/share/khmer/scripts/filter-abund.py -V normC20k20.kh *.keep

This will turn some reads into orphans, but that’s ok – their partner read was bad.

Rename files

You’ll have a bunch of ‘keep.abundfilt’ files – let’s make things prettier.

First, let’s break out the orphaned and still-paired reads:

for i in *.pe.*.abundfilt;
   /usr/local/share/khmer/scripts/extract-paired-reads.py $i

We can combine the orphaned reads into a single file:

for i in *.se.qc.fq.gz.keep.abundfilt
   pe_orphans=$(basename $i .se.qc.fq.gz.keep.abundfilt).pe.qc.fq.gz.keep.abundfilt.se
   newfile=$(basename $i .se.qc.fq.gz.keep.abundfilt).se.qc.keep.abundfilt.fq.gz
   cat $i $pe_orphans | gzip -c > $newfile

We can also rename the remaining PE reads & compress those files:

for i in *.abundfilt.pe
   newfile=$(basename $i .fq.gz.keep.abundfilt.pe).keep.abundfilt.fq
   mv $i $newfile
   gzip $newfile

This leaves you with a whole passel o’ files, most of which you want to go away!


So, finally, let’s get rid of a lot of the old files

rm *.se.qc.fq.gz.keep.abundfilt
rm *.pe.qc.fq.gz.keep.abundfilt.se
rm *.keep
rm *.abundfilt
rm *.qc.fq.gz
rm *.kh

Gut check

You should now have:


These files are, respectively, the paired (pe) quality-filtered (qc) digitally normalized (keep) abundance-trimmed (abundfilt) FASTQ (fq) gzipped (gz) sequences, and the orphaned (se) quality-filtered (qc) digitally normalized (keep) abundance-trimmed (abundfilt) FASTQ (fq) gzipped (gz) sequences.

Save all these files to a new volume, and get ready to assemble!

Next: 3. Running the Actual Assembly.

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