1. Quality Trimming and Filtering Your Sequences

Boot up an m1.xlarge machine from Amazon Web Services; this has about 15 GB of RAM, and 2 CPUs, and will be enough to complete the assembly of the Nematostella data set.


The raw data for this tutorial is available as public snapshot snap-f5a9dea7.

Install software

Install screed:

cd /usr/local/share
git clone https://github.com/ged-lab/screed.git
cd screed
git checkout protocols-v0.8.3
python setup.py install

Install khmer:

cd /usr/local/share
git clone https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer.git
cd khmer
git checkout protocols-v0.8.5

echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/share/khmer' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Install Trimmomatic:

cd /root
curl -O http://www.usadellab.org/cms/uploads/supplementary/Trimmomatic/Trimmomatic-0.30.zip
unzip Trimmomatic-0.30.zip
cd Trimmomatic-0.30/
cp trimmomatic-0.30.jar /usr/local/bin
cp -r adapters /usr/local/share/adapters

Install libgtextutils and fastx:

cd /root
curl -O http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/libgtextutils-0.6.1.tar.bz2
tar xjf libgtextutils-0.6.1.tar.bz2
cd libgtextutils-0.6.1/
./configure && make && make install

cd /root
curl -O http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/fastx_toolkit-
tar xjf fastx_toolkit-
cd fastx_toolkit-
./configure && make && make install

In each of these cases, we’re downloading the software – you can use google to figure out what each package is and does if we don’t discuss it below. We’re then unpacking it, sometimes compiling it (which we can discuss later), and then installing it for general use.

Find your data

Either load in your own data (as in 0. Downloading and Saving Your Initial Data) or create a volume from snapshot snap-f5a9dea7 and mount it as /data (again, this is the data from Tulin et al., 2013).


ls /data

If you see all the files you think you should, good! Otherwise, debug.

If you’re using the Tulin et al. data provided in the snapshot above, you should see a bunch of files like:


Find the right Illumina adapters

You’ll need to know which Illumina sequencing adapters were used for your library in order to trim them off; do

ls /usr/local/share/adapters/

to see which ones are available. Below, we will use the TruSeq3-PE.fa adapters.


You’ll need to make sure these are the right adapters for your data. If they are the right adapters, you should see that some of the reads are trimmed; if they’re not, you won’t see anything get trimmed.

Adapter trim each pair of files

(From this point on, you may want to be running things inside of screen, so that you detach and log out while it’s running; see Using ‘screen’ for more information.)

If you’re following along using the Nematostella data, you should have a bunch of files that look like this (use ‘ls’ to show them):


Each file with an R1 in its name should have a matching file with an R2 – these are the paired ends.


You’ll need to replace <R1 FILE> and <R2 FILE>, below, with the names of your actual R1 and R2 files. You’ll also need to replace <SAMPLE NAME> with something that’s unique to each pair of files. It doesn’t really matter what, but you need to make sure it’s different for each pair of files.

For each of these pairs, run the following:

# make a temp directory
mkdir trim
cd trim

# run trimmomatic
java -jar /usr/local/bin/trimmomatic-0.30.jar PE <R1 FILE> <R2 FILE> s1_pe s1_se s2_pe s2_se ILLUMINACLIP:/usr/local/share/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10

# interleave the remaining paired-end files
/usr/local/share/khmer/scripts/interleave-reads.py s1_pe s2_pe | gzip -9c > ../<SAMPLE NAME>.pe.fq.gz

# combine the single-ended files
cat s1_se s2_se | gzip -9c > ../<SAMPLE NAME>.se.fq.gz

# go back up to the working directory and remove the temp directory
cd ..
rm -r trim

# make it hard to delete the files you just created
chmod u-w *.pe.fq.gz *.se.fq.gz

To get a basic idea of what’s going on, please read the ‘#’ comments above, but, briefly, this set of commands:

  • creates a temporary directory, ‘trim/’
  • runs ‘Trimmomatic’ in that directory to trim off the adapters, and then puts remaining pairs (most of them!) in s1_pe and s2_pe, and any orphaned singletons in s1_se and s2_se.
  • interleaves the paired ends and puts them back in the working directory
  • combines the orphaned reads and puts them back in the working directory

At the end of this you will have new files ending in ‘.pe.fq.gz’ and ‘.se.fq.gz’, representing the paired and orphaned quality trimmed reads, respectively.

Automating things a bit

OK, once you’ve done this once or twice, it gets kind of tedious, doesn’t it? I’ve written a script to write these commands out automatically. Run it like so:

cd /mnt/work
python /usr/local/share/khmer/sandbox/write-trimmomatic.py > trim.sh

Run this, and then look at ‘trim.sh’ using the ‘more’ command –

more trim.sh

If it looks like it contains the right commands, you can run it by doing:

bash trim.sh


This is a prime example of scripting to make your life much easier and less error prone. Take a look at this file sometime – ‘more /usr/local/share/khmer/sandbox/write-trimmomatic.py’ – to get some idea of how this works.

Quality trim each pair of files

After you run this, you should have a bunch of ‘.pe.fq.gz’ files and a bunch of ‘.se.fq.gz’ files. The former are files that contain paired, interleaved sequences; the latter contain single-ended, non-interleaved sequences.

Next, for each of these files, run:

gunzip -c <filename> | fastq_quality_filter -Q33 -q 30 -p 50 | gzip -9c > <filename>.qc.fq.gz

This uncompresses each file, removes poor-quality sequences, and then recompresses it. Note that (following Short-read quality evaluation) you can also trim to a specific length by putting in a ‘fastx_trimmer -Q33 -l 70 |‘ into the mix.

If fastq_quality_filter complains about invalid quality scores, try removing the -Q33 in the command; Illumina has blessed us with multiple quality score encodings.

Automating this step

This step can be automated with a ‘for’ loop at the shell prompt. Try:

for i in *.pe.fq.gz *.se.fq.gz
     echo working with $i
     newfile="$(basename $i .fq.gz)"
     gunzip -c $i | fastq_quality_filter -Q33 -q 30 -p 50 | gzip -9c > "${newfile}.qc.fq.gz"

What this loop does is:

  • for every file ending in pe.fq.gz and se.fq.gz,
  • print out a message with the filename,
  • construct a name ‘newfile’ that omits the trailing .fq.gz
  • uncompresses the original file, passes it through fastq, recompresses it, and saves it as ‘newfile’.qc.fq.gz

Extracting paired ends from the interleaved files

The fastx utilities that we’re using to do quality trimming aren’t paired-end aware; they’re removing individual sequences. Because the pe files are interleaved, this means that there may now be some orphaned sequences in there. Downstream, we will want to pay special attention to the remaining paired sequences, so we want to separate out the pe and se files. How do we go about that? Another script, of course!

The khmer script ‘extract-paired-reads.py’ does exactly that. You run it on an interleaved file that may have some orphans, and it produces .pe and .se files afterwards, containing pairs and orphans respectively.

To run it on all of the pe qc files, do:

for i in *.pe.qc.fq.gz
   /usr/local/share/khmer/scripts/extract-paired-reads.py $i

Finishing up

You should now have a whole mess of files. For example, in the Nematostella data, for each of the original input files, you’ll have:

24HourB_GCCAAT_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz               - the original data
24HourB_GCCAAT_L002_R1_001.pe.fq.gz               - adapter trimmed pe
24HourB_GCCAAT_L002_R1_001.pe.qc.fq.gz            - FASTX filtered
24HourB_GCCAAT_L002_R1_001.pe.qc.fq.gz.pe         - FASTX filtered PE
24HourB_GCCAAT_L002_R1_001.pe.qc.fq.gz.se         - FASTX filtered SE
24HourB_GCCAAT_L002_R1_001.se.fq.gz               - adapter trimmed orphans
24HourB_GCCAAT_L002_R1_001.se.qc.fq.gz            - FASTX filtered orphans

Yikes! What to do?

Well, first, you can get rid of the original data. You already have it on a disk somewhere, right?

rm *.fastq.gz

Next, you can get rid of the ‘pe.fq.gz’ and ‘se.fq.gz’ files, since you only want the QC files. So:

rm *.pe.fq.gz *.se.fq.gz

And, finally, you can toss the pe.fq.gz files, because you’ve turned those into .pe and .se files.

rm *.pe.qc.fq.gz

So now you should be left with only three files for each sample:

24HourB_GCCAAT_L002_R1_001.pe.qc.fq.gz.pe   - FASTX filtered PE
24HourB_GCCAAT_L002_R1_001.pe.qc.fq.gz.se   - FASTX filtered SE
24HourB_GCCAAT_L002_R1_001.se.qc.fq.gz      - FASTX filtered orphans

Things to think about

Note that the filenames, while ugly, are conveniently structured with the history of what you’ve done. This is a good idea.

Also note that we’ve conveniently named the files so that we can remove the unwanted ones en masse. This is a good idea, too.

Renaming files

I’m a fan of keeping the files named somewhat sensibly, and keeping them compressed. Let’s do some mass renaming:

for i in *.pe.qc.fq.gz.pe
   newfile="$(basename $i .pe.qc.fq.gz.pe).pe.qc.fq"
   mv $i $newfile
   gzip $newfile

and also some mass combining:

for i in *.pe.qc.fq.gz.se
  otherfile="$(basename $i .pe.qc.fq.gz.se).se.qc.fq.gz"
  gunzip -c $otherfile > combine
  cat $i >> combine
  gzip -c combine > $otherfile
  rm $i combine

and finally, make the end product files read-only:

chmod u-w *.qc.fq.gz

to make sure you don’t accidentally delete something.

Saving the files

At this point, you should save these files, which will be used in two ways: first, for assembly; and second, for mapping, to do quantitation and ultimately comparative expression analysis. You can save them by doing this:

mkdir save
mv *.qc.fq.gz save
du -sk save

This puts the data you want to save into a subdirectory named ‘save’, and calculates the size.

Now, create a volume of the given size – divide by a thousand to get gigabytes, multiply by 1.1 to make sure you have enough room, and then follow the instructions in Getting started with Amazon EC2. Once you’ve mounted it properly (I would suggest mounting it on /save instead of /data!), then do

rsync -av save /save

which will copy all of the files over from the ./save directory onto the ‘/save’ disk. Then ‘umount /save’ and voila, you’ve got a copy of the files!

Next stop: 2. Applying Digital Normalization.

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